Remote cancell switch

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    • #47064

      While carrying out some testing of a wallbox2mp3 unit that I have recently built an installation for, it was apparent that when the cancell button was pressed that there was a problem.

      The set up is configured for & connected to my Wurlitzer 5250,  because I didn’t want to make any permanent modifications to the 5250 all of the required components are in a plastic adaptable box, this box is connected to the 5250 with 6 core telephone cable 3 core wires for 25vac ground & signal and 2 for a remote cancell switch that I had mounted to a  plate that I fabricated  & replace’s part of the slug rejector, so when the coin reject button was pressed the mechanism inside the 5250 pressed the remote cancel switch.

      I noted that the onboard cancel switch worked as it should so replace my remote switch with one of a different type so far this as worked without fault,  was curious if any one else had experienced anything like this.

      The photo below shows the two types of switch, the one on the left caused the fault and was replaced with one the same as the one on the right.

      Cheers Scudie


    • #47065

      The switch on the left looks like the ones I’ve been getting off ebay. I’ve had problems with them too. Really flimsy design. I’ve screwed more than one while soldering the connections.

    • #47066

      Hi Sooner

      I bought half a dozen from Maplins electronics here in the Uk when they were having a closing down sale.

      Not had any problems with soldering to them but it appeared it was causing an issue when operated, mostly cancelling multiple tracks when pressed and released.

      I wondered if it was cancelling one on the downward press and one on release?

      Ie not a clean on/off action thus causing the fault.

      On a different subject have you ever tried customising the title strips as Klaatu suggested in his Post on the subject in the Tutorial heading ?

      I tried, got as far as changing the colour but could not find how to put the file back into the wallbox2mp3 software.

      Cheers Scudie

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Scudie.
    • #47068

      Yes, but it’s been a while so my memory is a little fuzzy. I think I opened the file with WinRAR using “Paint” and when I saved it, the JAVA file was automatically updated. I know you have to use the existing file (can’t add a new file or rename an old one). I changed the yellow background to red but it’s still listed as red in the program.

    • #47069

      Hi Sooner

      Slightly confused by the last bit, did you mean it’s still listed as yellow in the program?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #47070

      Yes.  I just opened up the file (don’t remember if it was a jpeg or png) in Paint and edited it. Then saved it without changing the name. When I saved it it asked if I wanted to replace the extisting file (I think) and automatically updated it in the JAVA program. I think I was using WinRAR to get to the file?

    • #47073

      Thanks Sooner

      I had a play with the software this evening and after a few try’s got it to save as the custom version which is there when I open the software for printing out the strips.

      Have asked Gaëlle if she can introduce some more designs to the software.

      Thanks Again


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